Dev Update 1 - Whats happening?!

A lot happend ...

Noob detective first chapter is still not finished but some steps closer to it. Here an overview what i have done in the last weeks since the first upload of this game.

  • Map: I reduced the map to the first chapter and you could now only go to a small part of the city. I finished the inside of the pub including a basement. The map is now 90% ready for the launch of the first chapter. Maybe some polishing and fixing glitches here and there. It took me some days and fiddling around with some buildings and rooms until i had found the setting for my story. On the way i also built a shed, a bus interior, the detective office with basement and upper floor (what is not needed for the first chapter :D) ... but so i have a bit work already finished for future chapters or maybe can integrate it into the first chapter as a bonus. 
  • Environment: As already shown in the last dev logs, my setting is now mostly a night map and it is raining. The maps also supports now additional sprites that are not included in the tilemap. I needed that first for the bus driver that is not in the first chapter anymore. But then i found some other things i could integrate as animated sprites in the map (like the arcade machine in the pub).
    I also integrated the game time, which is shown in the upper left corner. The game time is not moving forward depending on real time. It's changing in relation to finished triggers. The starting time is now "sunday, morning" and if you did the right triggers it changes to the next state. I have days and the day is divided into four sections: morning, evening, afternoon and night.
  • UI: I have restyled the user interface in darker colors and added a title screen. If the noob finds an item a small talking-bubble with the item-icon is shown. There is also already an empty inventar screen if you press the "I" button.
  • Debugging: For debugging i build a console where all triggers and movements are shown.  The console could be toggled by a key binding. There is also a special developer mode with a special trigger-overrid- file where some shortcuts are defined. So testing gets much easier because i can enter all doors or every random-trigger always goes out well for my player.
  • Story: The story is now 80% complete and all trigger zones and trigger types are defined. I have to write some more texts and test the story at whole. I have already integrated some different trigger-action-types like: walking around, teleporting, changing tiles or setting environment variables. There are also different trigger types like random outcomes or choice triggers.

So i get closer and closer to the first release and i hope i could finish it in the next weeks. You could already try to play it in Firefox, but as i mentioned above, it is not finished yet and maybe some dead ends are in the story or bugs prevents you from playing it at all.

Files Play in browser
Sep 23, 2020

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